Dayton International Airport
Today 4:00 PM - Apr 17 4:00 PM
Select the start time and end time
for your booking here.

Park-N-Go Airport Parking DAY

1140 W. National Rd Vandalia, OH 45377
Self Park
Parking total:
*All taxes & fees included
About This Facility
4.0out of 5
Reservations are 100% refundable if your plans change, etc. Quotes include a 10% tax by Dayton Airport WARNING: The airport’s shuttle only runs 430am-midnight. Park-N-Go’s shuttle runs 4am to 1am / last flight! We open at 4am, the same as TSA at Dayton International Airport. Morning traffic is still pretty light and you will have plenty of time to make your 5AM or 6AM flight. The “arrive 2 hours early” rule is meant for larger, slower airports. HOWEVER, if your flight is between 0530 and 0630 (peak time at DAY), please arrive at least 90 minutes early. If you have a late flight, please use 11:30PM rather than 12:00 or 12:30AM. Don’t worry — we stay until the last flight comes in each night/morning!