Super 8 JFK Motel
Today 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Select the start time and end time
for your booking here.
About This Facility

Secure and clean parking garage at the Moda apartment complex in Jamaica. Just a few minutes from Jamaica Center, King Manor Museum, and Rufus King Park.

Height Restriction: 9'

This facility does NOT allow in/out privileges. You CANNOT enter & exit more than once.

Please note entering or exiting outside of the reserved time parameters will result in full posted parking rates and you will have to pay these directly to the parking company before your vehicle is retrieved.

Enter this location at 89-14 Parsons Blvd. This is the Moda Garage, operated by GGMC. It is located on the west side of Parsons Blvd. between 89th Ave. and 90th Ave.

💲💲 Posted oversize rates will apply to vehicles 181" in length or longer, or 65 inches in height or higher. This fee is to be paid directly to the facility upon entry.

Hours of Operation:
Mon - Sun 24 hours
RATED: 4.4 out of 5

How to Park